1. Which categories have been announced for the 2025 competition?
a) the Solo category I is open for the following instruments: violin, viola, cello, piano, harp and accordion.

b) the Solo category II is open for the following instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, French horn and trombone.

2. What is the age limit for the competitors?
a) in the instrumental disciplines of piano and violin, the Competition is open to musicians who are under 16 years of age at the time of the final public competition round (i.e. born on 14 September 2009 or later).

b) in the instrumental disciplines of viola, cello, accordion and harp, the Competition is open to musicians who are under 17 years of age at the time of the final public competition round (i.e. born on 14 September 2008 or later).

All instrumental disciplines in groups a) and b) in the Solo I. category are evaluated together.

In the instrumental categories flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, French horn and trombone, the Competition is open to musicians who are under 18 years of age at the time of the final public competition round (i.e. born on or after 13 September 2007).

All instrumental disciplines in the Solo II. category are evaluated together.

3. Do any limits apply to those who can register in the competition?
Only those competitors who meet the age limit for the given category and comply with all the registration parameters can register in the competition.
It is not possible to re-enter the same category in which a competitor has already been awarded the title of laureate once

The competition is open to young musicians of all nationalities, with the exception of applications from applicants who have been citizens of the Russian Federation for the duration of the armed conflict involving the Russian Federation in the now internationally recognized territory of Ukraine. Should the geopolitical situation in Ukraine change by the time of the Competition, the acceptance of applications from applicants who are citizens of the Russian Federation is subject to the recognition of the changed geopolitical situation in Ukraine by the international community and the Czech Republic.

4. When is the latest that I have to send in my registration?
In order to avoid any problems with submitting your complete registration, we recommend that you start uploading all the required enclosures sufficiently in advance of the registration deadline which is 31st March 2025. It will take you a number of hours to upload all the required enclosures.

5. What has to be included with the registration?
a) audio recordings 

b) video recordings of the realization of the competition recordings 

c) Five different professional photographs of the competitor in print quality 

d) Comprehensive sheet music for the competition recordings

e) A copy of your passport (if you are a competitor from abroad).

6. How should I send in the compulsory registration enclosures?
Upon registering, each competitor will receive a competition code, which she should then be used to label all the required materials. You can expect the email within 24-48 hours (if you send your registration during the weekend, it is necessary to understand that this will extent the response period).

7. Does the competition include a compulsory repertoire?
No, it doesn’t. However, the organizer does publish a list of recommended works for the solo performance category every year, the performance of which will have a positive impact on the evaluation of the competition performances, may constitute one of the evaluation criteria and may be associated with special prices.

The evaluation of the competitor by the expert juries will also be influenced by the maturity of the competitor’s repertoire selection while considering the promotion of the works of Antonín Dvořák and other Czech composers.

8. Where can I find a list of recommended compositions?
A list of recommended compositions is available here.

9. Can I send in a recording which I have made for a different broadcasting organization?
The competition does not accept any recordings that are subject to any broadcasting rights of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) or any mechanical rights (IFPI).

10. Can I include an unaccompanied work for solo instrument in my competition repertoire for the solo performance category?
Yes. You can include works for solo instrument without the accompaniment of any other instrument in the competition repertoire.

11. Can I include an instrumental concerto or a movement thereof with piano accompaniment in the solo performance competition category?
Yes, but only if it is a concerto or part of a concerto with piano accompaniment, with the exception of concertos intended for piano. The length of such a piece must not exceed 50% of the total duration.

12. Can I include a work, where my solo performance is accompanied by an orchestra?
No. Works with orchestral accompaniment are not permitted for 1st round.

13. Can I send the competition a recording which has been made at a public concert?
Yes, you can, but make sure that it has been professionally recorded at a quality that conforms to the parameters for radio recordings. That is to say, at an appropriate technical quality for use in radio broadcasts.

14. How should I put my competition repertoire together?
It is recommended that the competition repertoire should consist of a selection of different stylistic periods, while taking the works of Antonín Dvořák and other Czech composers (see the recommended works) into account.

It is necessary to choose concertante works set for your instrument and an accompanying orchestra for the final round. This means a single or multiple-movement instrumental concerto and not merely the individual movements from a work.

15. How long should the competition recording be?
The total length of the recorded competition performance must be 20-30 minutes. Recordings lasting less than 20 minutes will be eliminated from the competition, while recordings in excess of 30 minutes may be shortened by the jury.

With regard to the live final round, the solo performances should last 20-35 minutes.

16. When will I find out, if I have progressed into the final round?
The results of the 1st round will be announced by the end of May 2025.

17. How does the competition take place?
Once the application process has closed, the jury will sit and listen anonymously to all audio recordings.

18. How many competitors can progress into the public final round?
A maximum of 4 participants from category I and 4 participants from category II will advance to the final round.

19. How do the competitions´ final rounds take place?
The final rounds take the form of public concerts with the orchestra associated with live radio broadcasts by the Czech Radio under the auspices of the Dvořák Prague International Music Festival.

20. What is the Concertino Praga South Bohemian Festival?
The South Bohemian Festival is a concert cycle for the prize winners and recipients of honorable mentions, which follows directly on from the performances in the competition’s final round. The participants are accommodated at the Concertino Hotel in Jindřichův Hradec, from where they then head to the concerts in surrounding towns. The festival usually includes a total of 4 performances (Český Krumlov, Tábor, Bechyně a Jindřichův Hradec) and several accompanying events.

21. Do I have to participate in the Concertino Praga South Bohemian Festival, if I win?
Yes. By registering for the Antonín Dvořák International Radio Competition for Young Musicians you confirm that you will participate in the entire festival. You therefore cannot arrive late, leave early or send a replacement. The 4 replacements are also obliged to participate at the South Bohemian festival.

22. Is the competition truly anonymous?
Yes, it is. None of the jury members has any information about the competitors. The recordings are submitted under serial numbers and the jury members merely receive a repertoire list for the individual recordings. The jury will only receive any information about the performers (their name, age and nationality) after it has reached its decision on the competitors proceeding through to the final and the winners of any honorable mentions.

23. Can I play from sheet music?
Playing by memory is not a requirement. It is, however, necessary to keep in mind that the competition is intended for young musicians who want to perform professionally on concert stages in the future, and the final rounds take the form of competitive performances with an orchestra of a large international music festival. 

24. What parameters do the competition recordings have to have?
Recordings of the individual competition pieces in the WAV/PCM format – 16/24 bits – 44.1/48kHz.

25. Does the performance have to be recorded in a single sitting?
No. If the repertoire includes multiple-movement works, each work or movement must be recorded separately.

26. Can I modify my recordings?
No modifications, i.e. edits, are permitted. The compilation of a recording through editing constitutes a gross breach of the competition conditions and will lead to the elimination of the candidate from the competition.

27. Does the video recording have to correspond to the audio recording?
Yes. Video recordings must be made at the same time as all of the audio recordings of the competition works.

28. What are the parameters for the video recording?
The video recording may be made using a mobile telephone, as the video quality will not be taken into account. The camera must be placed in such a way that the candidate is visible from head to foot, including his/her hands. The camera angle may not change throughout the recording.

29. How old can the recordings sent to the competition be?
The recordings may have been made at any time in the period from 1st June 2024 to 31st March 2025.

30. Will the organizer provide me with a page turner, if I need one?
The organizer will provide a page turner for the 2nd round with the orchestra (the solo performance category).

31. Will the organizer of the South Bohemian Festival provide me with a professional piano accompanist, if I am competing in the solo performance category and I am not a pianist?
Yes. Piano accompaniment is provided for the young performers on solo instruments at the South Bohemian Festival.

32. Who will be in the expert jury?
The jury will be different in every round of the competition. It always consists of renowned instrumentalists from the Czech Republic and abroad, conductors, music teachers or representatives of the European Broadcasting Union. You can find more information in the Jury section.

33. How will the jury evaluate the candidates?
The candidates’ artistic performances will be evaluated regardless of the candidates’ age or chosen instrument. Category I and Category II are evaluated separately.

The first round will take place completely anonymously and the jury will evaluate the competitors purely on the basis of their submitted recordings.

Four competitors will be selected to progress into the final round along with 1-2 understudies for the public final. If the understudies do not perform in the final due to the availability of all four finalists selected by the jury, they will perform their solo repertoires in a concert on the “Talent Stage” at the 2025 Dvořák Prague Festival.

The final rounds will take place in the form of public concerts as part of the Dvořák Prague International Music Festival 2025.

34. When will the final results be announced?
The results will be announced immediately after the completion of the public final round and the jury’s deliberations. The results will be immediately posted in the websites of the Concertino Praga and the Academy of Classical Music after they are announced.

35. Is there a “registration fee”?
No registration fee is required for participation in the competition.

36. Will the organizer cover any costs for me and my escort?
The organizer will meet the costs of the laureates and their escorts (if the laureates are minors) as follows:
a) bus, train or air travel to Prague and back,
b) accommodation and full board in Prague,
c) local transport from the hotel to the rehearsals and the public final round under the auspices of the Dvořák Prague international music festival.

The organizers will further pay the following costs for the finalists as follows:
a) transport to Jindřichův Hradec and back,
b) accommodation and full board at the South Bohemian festival.

The costs associated with making the recordings sent to the competition will be borne by the competitor or by the registering organization (for example, Czech Radio) which made them.

37. What prizes can I win?
Prices are described in detail here.

38. What is the timetable for the competition’s 56th edition of Concertino Praga?
31. 3. 2025 -the closing date for registration for solo category
10. 5. 2025 - evaluation of the first round of competition
12. 9. 2025 - final round of Solo Category II at Bethlehem Chapel in Prague
13. 9. 2025 - final round of Solo Category I in the Dvořák Hall of the Rudolfinum in Prague

15. 9. 2025 - Český Krumlov, the château, the Masquerade Hall
16. 9. 2025 - Tábor, Klokoty
17. 9. 2025 - Bechyně, the château, the Vok Hall
19. 9. 2025 - Jindřichův Hradec, the château, the Knight’s Hall

Other accompanying events will also take place under the auspices of the South Bohemian Concertino Praga Festival.

39. As this involves a radio competition, will Czech Radio publicly broadcast my recordings?
Yes. The finalists’ recordings will be included in Czech Radio broadcasts. In addition, the final round will also be recorded by Czech Radio with the option of a live broadcast in both audio and audio-visual form. All of the concerts at the South Bohemian Festival will be recorded and broadcast either live or as recordings.

All of the candidates’ rights with regard to the creation of the artistic performance and the use thereof are set out in the competition’s Statute.

40. Who organizes the competition?
The competition organizers are Czech Radio and the Academy of Classical Music.

41. Whom can I contact, if I am unsure about anything?
If you are unsure about anything, do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Simona Hopfingerová (simona.hopfingerova@rozhlas.cz, +420 603 169 317). She will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

42. Who can I contact to make use of the special purpose scholarship issued in the form of a KKFF prize?
If you are unsure about anything, do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Markéta Vybíralová (vybiralova@akademie klasickehudby.cz, +420 778 961 193). She will be happy to answer any questions you may have.