Ondřej Toman

7. květen 2020

Ondřej Toman was the youngest Czech competitior of the second round of Concertino Praga 2020.

Clarinettist Ondřej Toman attends the ZUŠ Na Popelce art and music school in Prague. Since 2018 he has also performed chamber music as part of a clarinet trio, and since 2019 he has been a member of the chamber orchestra of the Gymnázium Jana Nerudy School. He has won a  number of awards at both national and international level: Markneukirchener Klarinettenwettbewerb (2016, Germany), Concorso Internazionale per Clarinetto, Carlino (2017, Italy), Talent Prahy 5 (in cooperation with PKF – Prague Philharmonia, 2017), and he also won awards in chamber music in the national round of the competition between art and music schools (Liberec, 2019). He has won the regional round of the competition, and in 2018 he also won the national round of the art and music school competition for performance on a woodwind instrument. Following his success in these competitions he was given the opportunity to perform at an award-winners’ concert with the PKF – Prague Philharmonia and was chosen as one of the young musicians to perform at the ZUŠ Open 2019 gala concert at the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

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