The Concertino Praga international music competition for young musicians has reached its conclusion. The finale concerts on 15 and 16 September.
Programme of the Talent Stage of Concertino Praga 2023
Raphael Gisbertz is the recipient of the second grade honourable mention in Concertino Praga 2023.
The Matejča-Schulmeister Duo is one of the finalists of Concertino Praga 2023.
The four finalists of the chamber category Concertino Praga 2023 are joined by Trio Florestan.
The duo Jaklová-Mráček from the Czech Republic are the third successful duo to appear in the finals of the chamber category Concertino Praga 2023.
Duo Comenius will perform in the finals of the chamber category Concertino Praga 2023.
The youngest finalist of Concertino Praga 2023 is a Ukrainian violinist Margaryta Pochebut.
The Ukrainian pianist will be among the four finalists of Concertino Praga 2023.